What Are Acts of Service (and How to Use Them)

What Are Acts of Service (and How to Use Them)

Posted by The LRD Community Team on Mar 28th 2023

Acts of service are just one of the many ways the Bible tells us to show our love for others. Supporting one another's needs is a powerful way to show that we care. In the book, The Five Love Languages, Dr. Gary Chapman describes the five different aspects of affection - the ways in which we show our love to the people in our life, not just romantic partners.

Each person has preferred ways to receive and express love. The five love languages are:

  • Words of affirmation
  • Quality time
  • Receiving gifts
  • Acts of service
  • Physical touch

It's crucial to learn our love languages and those of the people in our lives. Understanding others better allows us to serve each other best. Knowing how your friend or partner likes to receive love is the baseline for a beautiful relationship. Galatians 5:13 says, "You, my brothers and sisters, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the flesh; rather, serve one another humbly in love."

Today, we will be taking a focused look at “Acts of Service” and their impact on those around us.

Examples of Acts of Service

Acts of service can be challenging for some, and easy for others. Learning what acts of service look like and how we can use them in our daily lives will help us better serve each other. Jesus set the ultimate example of service by his life, death on the cross and resurrection. The scriptures contain many stories of how Jesus responded to and helped those in need.

1 Peter 4:10 says “Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.”

Acts of Service in Daily Life

Acts of service are one love language that most people will appreciate receiving. Think about how nice it is to come home and realize a chore was already done. Or that dinner was cooked and ready. Even simple errands or repair jobs can make a day better when someone else thinks to do it for us.

When it comes down to it, acts of service are a way to show the people in our lives that we care about them. Sometimes they take time and effort, other times, a simple word of encouragement is enough. In the end, those being served will know that they are thought of and cared for.

Here are a few examples of acts of service that can be done daily or weekly to show someone we care:

  • Cooking a favorite meal
  • Cleaning up the house
  • Taking the trash out
  • Washing the car
  • Helping with homework
  • Changing a dirty diaper
  • Filling up the car with gas
  • Making the bed
  • Opening the door
  • Helping with a work task
  • Preparing lunch for the next day
  • Taking the kids to the park
  • Picking up the mail

After reading these tasks, it's easy to see that acts of service can be simple, everyday things. They don't have to be grand gestures, but small items that will make your partner, family member, or friend's life easier.

Matthew 5:16 tells us, "In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven."

Acts of Service in the Bible

There are many examples of acts of service in the Bible. Here are a few of the most common acts of service portrayed in the Bible:

  • Helping a stranger who is struggling
  • Giving food, drinks, and clothes to those in need
  • Washing the feet of others
  • Caring for the sick and injured
  • Giving money to the poor
  • Throwing a dinner in someone's honor

We are called to care for one another. Everyone has a biblical responsibility to help others, especially those in need.

Ways to Use Acts of Service in Your Life

We can also use acts of service to make a difference in the world. When we support a cause, especially by volunteering our time, we show our love for the communities and people we are supporting. When we serve others, we are also serving the Lord.

Mark 10:45 reminds us, "For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many."

There are so many ways we can show up for others through acts of service, whether by going on a mission trip or driving our friend's child to soccer practice.

Listed below are some ideas for serving others:

  • Sign up to drive meals to the elderly
  • Help separate donations at the food shelf
  • Go through clothes and donate whatever isn't being worn anymore
  • Give a percentage of income to a nonprofit each year
  • Volunteer at an organization monthly
  • Cut the neighbor's grass
  • Offer to babysit for a friend or family member

Committing to a Life of Service

Through acts of service, we see just one way we can show love to others. By knowing our love languages, we better show love to those around us. Whether you express love through words of affirmation, quality time, gifts, physical touch, or acts of service - there are always ways to show your love to the people in your life.

We encourage you to use acts of service to make the world a better place. Support a great charitable organization, regularly volunteer in the community, or commit to helping a family member each week. Whatever we decide to do, let it be done with love.